If you want to setup your BCC with a SSO server along with LDAP validation you can follow the next steps, this is all for OOTB configs:
LDAP In Memory Server
Feel free to clone and build: https://github.com/kwart/ldap-server
Then you can start it with: java -jar ldap-server.jar -b -p 10389 ldap_test.ldif
Just make sure that you defined user and organization appropriately.
CIM Setup
Run <ATG_ROOT>/home/bin/cim.sh
Select options as follows:
[P] Publishing
[C] Connection Details
[1] Oracle Thin
user/psswd > PUB_USER/PUBPassword
Enter Host Name > localhost
Enter Port Number [[1521]] >
Enter Database Name > YOUR_SERVICENAME
Enter Database URL [[jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:YOUR_SERVICENAME]] >
Enter Driver Path > <ATG_ROOT>/CIM/lib/ojdbc7.jar
Enter JNDI Name [[ATGPublishingDS]] >
[T] Test Connection
[S] Create Schema
[C] Create Schema - This will run the pending ddl scripts (not previously run) for the related SSO changes:
Found 1 of 69 previously unrun tasks for Datasource Publishing 1 DPS.InternalUsers.LDAP :
sql/db_components/oracle/internal_user_ldap_ddl.sql ->
create table dpi_organization_ldap (
org_id varchar2(40) not null,
ldap number(1,0) null
,constraint dpi_organization_ldap_p primary key (org_id)
,constraint dpi_organizationldap_f foreign key (org_id) references dpi_organization (org_id));
[I] Import Initial Data
[I] Import Data - This will run the corresponding view mappings for BCC:
Importing ( 1 of 1 ) /DPS-UI/AccessControl/SSO/install/data/viewmapping.xml to
[O] Configure Another Datasource
[C] Production Core
[C] Connection Details
[1] YOUR_SID@jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:YOUR_SERVICENAME
user/psswd > CORE_USER/COREPassword
Enter Host Name [[localhost]] >
Enter Port Number [[1521]] >
Enter Database Name [[YOUR_SERVICENAME]] >
Enter Database URL [[jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:YOUR_SERVICENAME]] >
Enter Driver Path [[<ATG_ROOT>/CIM/lib/ojdbc7.jar]] >
Enter JNDI Name [[ATGProductionDS]] >
[T] Test Connection
[O] Configure Another Datasource
[S] Switching A
user/psswd > CATA_USER/CATAPassword
Enter Host Name > localhost
Enter Port Number [[1521]] >
Enter Database Name > YOUR_SID
Enter Database URL [[jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:YOUR_SERVICENAME]] >
Enter Driver Path > <ATG_ROOT>/CIM/lib/ojdbc7.jar
Enter JNDI Name [[ATGSwitchingDS_A]] >
[T] Test Connection
[O] Configure Another Datasource
[B] Switching B
user/psswd > CATB_USER/CATBPassword
Enter Host Name > localhost
Enter Port Number [[1521]] >
Enter Database Name > YOUR_SERVICENAME
Enter Database URL [[jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:YOUR_SERVICENAME]] >
Enter Driver Path > <ATG_ROOT>/CIM/lib/ojdbc7.jar
Enter JNDI Name [[ATGSwitchingDS_B]] >
[T] Test Connection
Publishing and SSO instances
Assembly and Deployment
Endeca Workbench
To integrate Workbench with Commerce SSO:
3. Locate the configuration titled # Commerce SSO Authentication.
4. Set com.endeca.webstudio.useSSO to true:
# Commerce SSO Authentication
5. Uncomment the following properties:
6. Set the uncommented properties to their respective values.
For example:
# Commerce SSO Authentication
7. Save and close the file.
This allows workbench to redirect to SSO server if user ticket is not valid (not signed in)
To configure Workbench with BCC link:
Creating Users and Organizations
1. If you have a valid LDAP account (test/test) but this account doesn't belong to an LDAP organization in BCC you will be authenticated successfully but won't be granted access to BCC:
2. In order to create an LDAP organization in BCC you'll have to access with the admin account and go to: Access Control > Organizations > Root Organization
3. Click the plus icon and select organization:
4. Select LDAP for the Source property
5. Enter test-group as the name of the organisation and click the validate button
6. You'll get a message that the name is a valid one on the LDAP server, in this case it is because the ldap_test.ldif has it defined:
7. Click the Create button
8. Go back to Users and add a new one (click the plus icon and select 'user')
9. Same as with the organization, you have to provide a user valid in the LDAP server, in this case you can use 'test':
10. Notice the email, first name and last name fields are not editable and more importantly are automatically populated with the information coming directly from LDAP server
Note: Any required properties from LDAP can be mapped into ATG profiles through configuration on ldapUserProfile.xml, these are the ones mapped OOTB:
Notice the last line: <search-root> tag, which defines the base search domain in this case for the user profiles.
11. Click on the Organization & Role tab, you'll see that the user is automatically added to the test-group organisation we just created, this because user is added to that group in LDAP server already, so ATG just retrieved the information:
12. Click the Create button and you're done
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