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Showing posts from May, 2020

ATG Fulfillment - Delay processing of queues during start up

You may have noticed that during a restart of your fulfillment instance all messages in your queue start to be processed even though the instance is not yet fully restarted, this can lead to errors like the following if your triggering a confirmation email for example: Request for URL http://localhost:7001/dyn/init-session?ignoreMetric=true did not return a valid session.  Please check your settings for siteHttpServerName, siteHttpServerPort, applicationPrefix and initSessionURL for component / In order to delay the processing of messages from fulfillers in /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager you need to update the schedule for your  /atg/dynamo/messaging/ by updating the poll schedule to start a few minutes after Nucleus starts instantiating components: # Allow the server to finish starting up before polling the queue messagePollSchedule=every 20 seconds in 7 minutes without catch up ...